Terms of Service
Though I work very hard and always strive to make the best possible product; I do not consider myself a high end professional maker. There is always room to improve and do better. Everything made is by hand using custom patterns and techniques. Some small faults may be seen in the finished product but will not impact the overall look and function of the suit. Should any major issues be found within 30 days of receiving the suit please contact me immediately. I will quickly work with you to address the problem.
You Must be at least 18+ to order
All clients are required to have at least one art piece showing what you want made and all details. i.e if you only want a head made you must have a head shot drawing; a full suit requires at least one drawing showing the entire character. If you don't have the required art for the parts you want made you must draw it or find/commission an artist to draw it. The art does not need to be high quality, a rough color sketch is more then enough for me to work on. I may ask some questions if curtain details are not clear enough to be seen to ensure I make the suit correctly.
All artistic freedom commissions are given up to 3 options to pick from for a small design fee. If further designing is needed to get to a design you like additional fees will be added. Once the design has been approved there will be no further changes allowed.
You will receive the following updates from FurBitten Studios as each stage is met during the build/ per part. These updates are only the minimum. Extra photos and smaller updates are generally sent as well. If you see an error or have a question when shown an update you must speak up. If I have continued to the next phase and you later bring up an error seen earlier that you now wish to be fixed, a rework fee will be charged to you.
1: Pre-furring phase
During this phase you will see the item assembled and ready for fur, sanding, or paint. There may be small flaws seen in this stage that will get fine-tuned or simply be covered up.
2: Pattern Phase/Ready to Fur
This part will show you the part being made covered in tape with your characters pattern drawn on. At this phase, and only this phase, will you have the chance to adjust any color placement before fur is cut, sewn and added or paint is applied.
3: Flat fur Phase
Here you will see only the base colors added, glued (or sewn) and shaved down (if needed).
4: Detailing Phase
The final phase where all detailing, fine tuning and airbrushing is done , if needed, to add any last patterns such as spots or strips to the design as well as shading and blending of the entire item.
The agreed payment for the commission is in full or 50/50 of the commission price of $XXXX. All payments are to be sent via PayPal invoice.
First payment of $XXXX is paid to secure the commission and begin work. The First payment is not refundable.
You will have up to 60 days to pay off the remaining balance
You will not receive or be able to wear the suit until the entire sum of the commission (and shipping if applicable) is paid off.
Here is a breakdown of how much will be refunded based on the current state of the commission
As stated the down payment is non refundable. The following percentages are for the remaining amount of the commission price.
30% suit made = 70% refund
50% suit made = 40% refund
70% or more of the suit made = 0% refunded
Commission Abandonment:
You have 60 days from the first payment to complete the remaining payment. If payment is late FurBitten Studios reserve the right to cut the commission down ( Full suit to partial; Partial to head,Etc.) based on current “ paid off” status. FurBitten Studios understands life can get in the way sometimes and paying for a fursuit item has to be put off temporality. But I can not have a commission sitting around forever.
If after 60 days remaining payment has not been received the commission will be marked abandoned and you will have no claim on the suit anymore. At that point the suit will be altered and put up for sale to recuperate lost funds from doing the work or as stated above a commission cut will occur.
Some cases may be handled differently. Please speak to me directly explaining the situation as soon as you can and expectations could possibly be made to this policy.
Free standard shipping is available only to continental USA clients only. Standard shipping (with no extra insurance) is regular ground service through FedEx. USPS or UPS can be used if requested an available to your location.
All (outside the continental USA) including Alaska and Hawaii are required to pay in full for the shipping fee of their suit. Please expect a very high shipping fee. A short payment plan can be arranged if needed. Customs fee are not included in the shipping quote, those are extra fees you are required to pay apon receiving, FurBitten Studios does not quote or pay for any customs fees. international clients,
Faster shipping, use of another shipping carrier, or simply adding insurance to the package can be done at your expense. If you choose this option a shipping quote cannot be given until the entire commission is completed.
Please note as well, FurBitten Studios is not liable for shipping damages or complete loss of the package. Once it has been dropped off at the shipping carrier everything is completely out of my hands. If a item has been lost or damaged during shipping FurBitten Studios will not repair or replace the item for free.